Monday, October 18, 2010

Sebastian Professionals

A few weeks ago I bought a Sebastian Professionals flat iron.  I had never heard of the brand at all, but I was watching youtube videos and seen a girl that had about the same texture as my hair using it and it worked really well for her.  I thought I would buy one because I have been in bad need for a flat iron.  I bought it from and I was really pleased with my purchase.  I've been using the flat iron often and I love it!  Most flat irons make my hair feel so heavy and press it straight to my head and I have to run it over each strand of hair a million times.  With this one it just takes a time or two and each strand is good to go and my hair feels so light weight and my hair actually stays straight the hole day. I would suggest this flat iron to a lot to anyone.  I have really thick wavy hair, so when I find a product that does my hair justice I love to spread the word.  This flat iron also heats up really quickly which is a huge plus! 

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